Saturday, August 31, 2019

How ICT requirements are met in an organisation Essay

Report B: How ICT requirements are met in an organisation Before Haden was introduced ICT, everything was done by hand. This took longer and was not a reliable method of processing information. Haden has many departments and altogether they have many computers. I am going to only analyse one of those departments because doing the whole building with the number of computers will be ridiculous. The department I will be analysing is the Fraud department. This department deals with all the people committing benefit fraud. They work with the police to get those people in court. The Fraud department found it hard to cope without computers. When the computers were introduced everything was easy. Everything needed ICT. In the Fraud department there are 45 computers. Here are the specifications of the hardware. Hardware – Input devices Keyboard- There is 40 standard QWERTY keyboards and 5 ergonomic keyboards. Ergonomic keyboards are QWERTY but the layout is different. The keyboards connect by PS/2 port. Mice- There is 45 standard mice. These come as default on all the computers. The mice connect also connect through PS/2 port. Digital Cameras- These cameras are devices that can take photos or moving images (films) and transfer them on to a PC. The images are JPEG, GIF, UGA, UFO or PSO. There are a total of 4 cameras in the department. The digital cameras connect to the via USB port. Scanners- There is 2 scanners in the department and they also transfer images to the computer. They work like photocopier but can transfer the images to a PC. This device also connects through USB port. Web Cams- The web cams are used to project moving images on to the internet. Only 7 computers have these and they are only used for handling confidential documents. The web cams connect to the computers by the USB port. The web cams are used for personal use. Well, that’s what I think! An input device is something that transfers raw data into a computer for it to be processed. These can include images and evidence from fraud suspects. Output devices Monitors- There is 45 monitors. 5 flat screen monitors, also know as LCD (liquid crystal display) screens and the rest are standard default monitors which are CRT (cathode ray tube) monitors. The monitors connect through the serial port. Colour printer- The colour printers are used to print documents with Haden’s header on them. The colour makes it more professional. The printers connect through the LPT or parallel port. These are the main output devices. They take raw information/data and give it back to us processed. Every computer has many different specifications inside and outside. The computers are all the same so it will be easy to describe them. Below are the specifications. Compaq Deskpro 40 GB Hard drive CD/CD-RW Drive Floppy Drive Zip Drive 512 mb DDR RAM 64 mb DDR Geforce 4 graphics card Creative soundcard Ethernet Card Modem port 4 USB 2. 0 ports 2 serial ports 2 LPT/parallel ports 2 Fire wire ports 2 PS/2 ports 1 game pad port 1 Network port The hard drives are big so that a lot of data can be stored. But there is a downfall to that. It is easier for files to get lost and the file security is not great. The RAM is a ridiculously large. It seems like the computers are made to play games and not do work. This also applies for the graphics card. It also has a large card memory. Most of it is wasted because it is not being used. The department can save a lot of money they had computers which are a bit lower on the specifications. (RAM, Graphics card etc) As all the computers are same, it is easy for me to describe only one of the computers specifications because they have the same specifications like the other computers in the department. There is a large server for the department. The server is very fast and quick. Below are the server specifications. Intel Pentium 4 M 3. 0 GHz processor memory 1024 mb DDR RAM 120 GB Hard drive Tape drive CD/CD-RW Drive Floppy Drive All the computers are Compaq brand. They are reliable and safe to use. Software The computers have different software installed on their hard drives. The computers are new. They have Microsoft Office 2002 installed on their hard drive. They also have other programs like anti-virus. Microsoft Word- This is the default word processing application. It is easy to use and it has many features like recording macros and inserting pictures. Microsoft Excel- This application is installed on the system but it is not used often. It may be used to do calculations for wages and salaries. I am not very sure what it is used for in this department. Microsoft Access- This application is not used. Database- Haden have there own database. It is very complicated to use their database. It comes up as a black screen with white writing. Almost like MS-DOS on old computers. The database holds information of people that have benefits and that commit fraud. You have to be trained to use the database because it is so complicated. This is what I think are in the databases: Name, address, post code, county, age, gender, contact details, national insurance number etc. Outlook Express- Easy to use and is fast for sending and receiving information. The e-mail is not for personal use. The companies boss can other employees can read the personal e-mails. Information is not confidential so it is a great and fast method of transferring data. Internet Explorer is used to surf the web for web related fraud. The internet has a special tracking device that seeks out people using other people’s insurance numbers and other details to get money. Intranet- All the computers are linked to an intranet. The intranet is a small network that only the company personnel can enter. No one from the outside, like me, can enter the intranet. Some of the files are password protected and only those who have the password can enter. Others are common files that everyone linked to the intranet can access. All personnel have their own password. They also have a card key that is used to enter the PC otherwise they do not have access. Norton System works is an antivirus application. All the computers have this software to protect against viruses. There is however a disadvantage. There is no internet firewall. Although one will be installed soon, the security is at risk and therefore hackers can enter easily. Evidence Eliminator is an application that is used to destroy unwanted fraud evidence from the Fraud departments’ computers. The evidence will no longer be available for hackers. Evaluation Haden’s use of ICT is excellent. They are faster now than before computers were introduced. The department of Fraud has found that using ICT is a must for them. Most of it is writing up databases. They have improved in using their own database that has outstanding security due to it being hard to use. There are several advantages and disadvantages. The main one is that the computers can get out of date and will require fixing all the time. Another disadvantage is in the Fraud computers the security is not that good. Hackers can attack it easily. The evidence eliminator application will have to be used several times because there is no firewall and hacker can attack any time. The Fraud department has to step up its security to insure that it is safe to transfer files through the networks. Overall, the organisation has improved in keeping things up to date. The security has to improve for the internet, other than that; the company is sophisticated and well improved.

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Kite Runner Journal Responses

Journal Responses 11/2/12 The passage â€Å"†¦ they in turn opened into an extension of the driveway into my father’s estate† uses a key word in the phrase, â€Å"estate†. Some synonyms of the word estate are; land, park, parkland, manor. The connotation we could make is that the author used this word to sound elegant and give the Hassan’s family a rich outlook on what they are compared to other families in afghan. The passage â€Å"†¦ a new and affluent neighborhood in the northern part of Kabul. Some thought it was the prettiest house in all of Kabul. Can present how Amir and his father are very proud of themselves. The author wanted to show that Amir and his father were one of the richer and wealthier in the city. He may also wanted to show that they stand out from the rest of the people of the city. Therefore Amir and his Father are characterized as the upper class of Kabul. â€Å"you! The hazara! † what I further remember from the mo vie afghan star is that all the ethnic groups were fighting back where they were from. But all of the 4 different ethnics singing it had seemed to bring them together in a sense of unity.Yes, The Hazaras are disrespected more than the other ethnic groups. This is almost like them picking on the most weakest person which in this case is hazara. The passage â€Å"†¦ they in turn opened into an extension of the driveway into my father’s estate† uses a key word in the phrase, â€Å"estate†. Some synonyms of the word estate are; land, park, parkland, manor. The connotation we could make is that the author used this word to sound elegant and give the Hassan’s family a rich outlook on what they are compared to other families in afghan.Eric Richardson Ms. Pierce Journal Responses 11/2/12 Chapter four response. Why doesn’t Amir accept Hassan as a good friend? What doesn’t make sense to me is why does Hassan do all this stiff for Amir and not get anything in return even tho he is always there for him. For example when Hassan read Amir a story then he asked a question, when Amir was thinking about something mean to say about Hassan being a hazara. Amir doesn’t seem to have respect for anyone and I think it will come back to haunt him.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Sometimes, you stumble into love

Love usually refers to an emotion that you â€Å"fall† into. It acts as a series of feelings that catches you off balance and can cause a great deal of pain when you come crashing to the end of that exhilarating emotional fall. However, sometimes you can accidentally stumble into love as well. You might not even know what the feeling of love is until you straighten yourself out and look closer at the person who was kind enough to catch hold of you before you hit the painful end. I happened to be one of the lucky ones who stumbled into love, unexpectedly and whole heartedly. My first love was the person who was kind enough to catch me and support me with patience while I straightened myself out and finally realized the word I was looking for to describe my feelings for him: Love. I was fifteen when I started working as a carhop at the local 50’s diner in town. My job included making colossal ice cream treats for our customers and delivering food and drinks out to their cars in the middle of the searing summer heat. It did not take long for a young girl in this atmosphere to become a popular attraction for the local male teens in the area. Especially since the restaurant I was working at was only two blocks away from a large all male high school. With constantly being barraged with their attitudes and immaturity, love or a relationship was the last thing on my mind. Friday nights of football season were the worst, the football players and fans would pack the diner with loud raucous after game activity and lewd comments. It was on one of these chaotic nights in mid-September while I was frantically making orders for my extra carhopping customers that a young man with a powder blue ’66 mustang caught me mid-fall, literally. I had a heavy tray with large sodas and several ice cream shakes carefully arranged on it and ready to be delivered to a customer waiting in their car. As I picked up the tray from the counter and went to walk out the door, my shoe caught a fold in the carpet floor mat, and I began to stumble forward. For a moment everything was a panicked blur, and then I felt myself and my tray miraculously steadied by the weight of another person. I straightened up and looked over my food items, thankful that only a little bit of ice cream had dribbled down the side of the shake glasses. Then I looked up to see who my rescuer happened to be and gazed into the brown eyes of my first love, though I did not yet know it. To my astonishment he was actually the one blushing. I said a quick thank you to him and headed out to my impatient customers. After the busy Friday night crowd began to disperse I headed over to his table and asked him if he wanted anything to eat or drink; it would be my treat for him helping me to save that order of food and possibly some of my pride. He asked if I had time to have a Coke with him before he left, so I took my dinner break and spent the next half hour talking with him. We exchanged email addresses and promised to keep in touch. Soon through email correspondences and local hang outs we became good friends. I soon learned that he, being nineteen years old, had just graduated from high school the previous year. His new plan for a career included enlisting in the U.S. Air Force. Before I knew it he was signed up and deployed for a one year tour of duty in South Korea. Read also  Summary : Love Is Never Silent But even though he was half a world away, we never missed a beat in each other’s lives. Emails or letters, and on rare occasions a short phone call, would keep us connected to the ongoing events in each other’s corner of the world. Neither of us at the time were doing very well, he was suffering culture shock and home sickness, while I struggled under the pressure of school work, career work and parents who were overprotective and had high expectations of their youngest and only daughter. While I labored away in school I began having doubts about how much of my ambition was my own and how much of that ambition was fueled by my parents. I struggled with my chosen college, chosen career field and even whether or not I wanted to attend school right away after high school graduation. My parents wanted me to go to a near by University, I wanted to go to one that was nearly halfway across the country. There were bitter fights in our home and at times it seemed like my only support came from the man stationed so far away. The only confidence I had in myself came from his encouragement at that point. Later, when he came back to the U.S., I promised to visit him after my own high school graduation. At that point it would have been two years since we had seen each other and I wanted to see him again before I got too busy as I rededicated myself to upcoming college school work. However, I had my doubts about seeing him and I could not figure out why. I had become nervous and fidgety about meeting him face to face again after so long, even though we had talked consistently on the phone for months. One night when he pressed me for an exact date and time that I would be able to visit, I told him all about my reasons for hesitating to visit. Amazingly, he laughed and sheepishly admitted he had very similar feelings of his own about the reunion. Then at the end, he blurted out those three profound words, â€Å"I love you.† It took me a minute to process the thought, and another minute to actually appreciate it, and finally the light of realization clicked on and I recognized I loved him as well. After a few moments of awkward silence while I gathered my thoughts I was able to reciprocate those words to him. Sometimes, people stumble into love quite literally. The person who catches and supports you can do such a good job of it that you barely feel yourself falling into love. In the end it is not a painful emotional crash that breaks your heart, but a crash of realization that makes you realize just what your heart was trying to tell you all along. Stumbling or falling, love has a way of catching hold of you when you least expect it. References Carmichael, J. (2006) Re: Love Interview Questions. Online email interview. Retrieved 14 July 2006. Hotmail. Hall, R. L. (2000). The Human Embrace: The Love of Philosophy and the Philosophy of Love: Kierkegaard, Cavell, Nussbaum. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press. Retrieved July 16, 2006, from Questia database:

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Program Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Program Proposal - Essay Example Onkaparinga is located south of Adelaide CBD. The city of Onkaparinga covers an area of 518km2 with a population of 153,496 (2004). 22% of the city's population is aged 15 years or lower, hence the city's age structure can be classified as young when compared with Adelaide Statistics Division (ASD). In addition, according to the data available, the city of Onkaparinga's population aged 15-19 comprises 8 % of the city's total population, which, when numerically presented, is 11,500 . According to (Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2001), there is no specific data targeting girls aged 12- 18 years as a separate group. At the 2001 Census, the city of Onkaparinga recorded 20,530 females aged between 5- 24 in total out of which 323 were Indigenous females. In addition, there were 369 non stated females belonging to the above - examined group. It was found out in a previous research that due to poverty and lack of access to health facts and information, many in the community owned up to not consuming fruits and vegetables regularly. This can be attributed to poverty and lack of awareness on importance of nutrition on the prevention of breast cancer. Fruits and vegetables contain protective substances such as carotenoids and vitamin C that have an antioxidant role and therefore prevent BC. A meta-analysis of published data from 1982 to 1997 was carried out on fruit & vegetable and consumption and BC risk in order to find out the relationship between the two. Relative risks (RR) for BC were also extracted from 1982 to 1997. For fruit intake study results were less clear, as only two studies showed an adequate protective effect of high fruit intake for BC. On the other hand this article suggests that high vegetable consumption seems to have protective effect in geographical areas where particular diets were more prevalent (Mediterranean diet). Buzdar (2006) found that patients with the history of the breast cancer and higher plasma level of carotenoids had a lower risk of cancer recurrence than patients with BC history and low plasma carotenoid levels. 4. Program Detail 4.1 Overall Goal The overall goal of the program is to prevent occurrence of breast cancer among adolescents, and subsequently, women among the poor families in Onkaparinga. By detailing a nutrition program centred on vegetables and fruits, participants are encouraged to be dedicated in order to prevent future risk, pain and even mortality as caused by breast cancer. 4.2 Clear Objectives This program aims to engage adolescents and young women to a healthy diet and lifestyle. With a regular intake of basically vegetables and fruits, it is not only breast cancer that is prevented but many other forms of cancer, as well as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, and other degenerative diseases prevalent to a diet of fats,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

AIDS in the United States Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

AIDS in the United States - Research Paper Example 20 percent of adults have AIDS in seven countries of this area of Africa. The initial slow reaction and lack of concern during the early 1980’s and beyond by the U.S. is clear today. Forty thousand new instances of the disease is reported each year but exactly how many persons are infected is not known because the method intended used to track AIDS is flawed and not likely to be fixed anytime soon. However, the social effect of AIDS has been widely acknowledged. This has served to inform the public and slow the progression of the epidemic but not in the African American community. The continuing proliferation of AIDS is allowed by the lack of appropriate vaccines and the virus’ ability to evolve as it invades, weakens and finally destroys the immune system. HIV, the disease which develops into AIDS, evolves so quickly that its exterior molecules are in a continuous state of transformation; consequently, the human immune system and the vaccines used to battle the virus, cannot catch up. â€Å"As it replicates within a single infected individual, HIV accumulates mutations that change the shape of its surface proteins, evolving right out from under the antibodies produced by the victim’s immune system† (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 2007). Due to AID’s capability of evolving at such a considerable pace, it rapidly counters medical treatments. The HIV cells which live beyond the primary drug concoction reproduce and their decedents transmit the drug resistant strain. This is the rationale for a patient’s drug therapy including what is generally called a ‘drug cocktail’ (various types of HIV drugs used together) which, in concert, act to hinder the further development of the resistant (strong) HIV viral strains. If a smaller amount of the resistant cells continue to exist, the less likelihood the disease will continue to spread. This is just one of the primary evolutionary models used by biomedical scientists to battle AIDS. (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 2007). AIDS made the evolutionary leap from chimpanzees to people. In all likelihood, the transfer happened by people using chimpanzees as a source for meat. The virus began in two varieties of monkeys which were eaten by chimpanzees which may cannibalize when food sources run short. A hybrid virus found in these monkeys (SIV) dispersed via infected chimpanzees and a mutated type (HIV-1) was ultimately transmitted to humans. Just like chimpanzees, people carry two variations of the disease. HIV-2 is the other and the less virulent. â€Å"Because of the similarity between chimpanzees and humans, any virus that successfully adapts to spreading among chimps would be a candidate for a further jump to humans, a potential HIV-3,† according to Paul Sharp, Institute of Genetics at University in England. (cited in Lovgren, 2003). One percent of the Earth’s inhabitants have contracted AIDS. The disease is to blame for killing of nearly three million people every year. AIDS is spread through use of use needles and unprotected sex. There is overwhelming evidence that needle exchange programs (NEPs) are very effective in preventing the transmission of the AIDS viruses yet do not promote drug use as critics of these programs contend. When first presented with this idea, Congress thought that NEPs would encourage drug abuse and they would send the message that the federal government sanctioned drug use by encouraging clean needle dispersal. â€Å"Restricting access to sterile syringes only acts to exacerbate the IDUs already desperate situation and is not in the best interest of the community regarding health, criminal or financial concerns. Free, legal and easily

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Arab-Israeli Peace Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Arab-Israeli Peace Process - Essay Example The Oslo process made Israeli forces withdraw from West Bank territory that contained Palestine and was made to be under Palestinians. The treaty brought peace in Palestine. Both the countries had to ensure they provide maximum security to their citizens and prevent the terror attack. There was peace in Palestine because it was their responsibility to ensure that they avoid terror against the Israelis. The Oslo process had some shortcomings in it. The Oslo process broke down because of improper negotiation habits thus turning the peace that was created to the charade. This provided a much safe platform for the Israelis to keep on doing their projects in West Bank and go unpunished (Rothstein, Maoz & Shiqāqī, 2002). Some of these projects harmed the Palestine. The Oslo process led to loose of trust between the countries and there was no peace. The Palestinians are unsatisfied and grieve thinking of what was to yield a wave of peace in their country is bringing harm. The Palestinians lands have been taken because of a construction of roads and walls thus separating the Palestinians communities (Rothstein, Maoz & Shiqāqī, 2002). The number of deaths has increased evidently in the recent killing in Gaza strip and there were more than a thousand individuals killed in the process. After the Oslo process failed there was no room left for subsequent peace talk between the Israelis and Palestinians because of lack of trust, which is a foundation for establishing treaties. From the shortcoming, we see Oslo process as an inappropriate aid, which is falsely framed to bring peace to the

Agriculture and the European Union Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Agriculture and the European Union - Essay Example The European Union (EU) has undergone a great deal of renegotiations over the past several decades, indeed changing its own titles and formats until finally it resembled the EU of today; a European-wide economic organization focused on the homogenisation of the European economic state. The purpose of this supranationalism has been simply to increase trade throughout Europe and to facilitate this goal it has been the duty of EU government officials to closely monitor agricultural policies in member states. In 2004, the European enlargement agreement was drafted so that the organisation might have some framework from which to actually govern the growing EU, with member states reaching from Great Britain right into eastern Europe as ex-Soviet states bid for entry1. In terms of the established Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the EU, the enlargement has directly affected original EU members in that CAP subsidies arranged prior to the expansion were immediately lessened and a new level of standardisation was created as new countries gained access to EU funding and official economic policies. Because of the enlargement, EU nations are currently facing reforms in terms of trade prices, environmental agendas, animal welfare and the further industrialisation and eventual commercialisation of member states. How the EU deals with modernised agricultural policies will directly affect the stability of the EU in general and the position of its influence in world affairs. In terms of the CAP today, it seems that this nearly 60 year old agreement is failing when it comes to the best economic options for EU members.Negotiations have been happening for years to organise a European-wide marketplace, and so far the EU is the only large-scale organisation of this sort in the world. To enhance failing economies within the continent and ultimately to create a strong market that was viable on the world stage, European nations thought it in their best interests to band together and develop trade laws that would benefit each nation in the long run. This organisation meant the standardisation of various levels of economy so that prices could be stabilised and producers might receive the government aid needed to keep working. Jonsson and Elgstrom explain how the term 'multi-level governance' is used in terms of the EU to encompass the awkward arrangement of government officials and local policy2. Essentially, this multi-level government is exactly what the EU legislation is based upon and it's the largest economic organisation of its kind in the entire world. EU officiates must tend to supranational matters while still leaving an allowable measure of sovereignty to each member state in terms of national law and municipal issues. In terms of agriculture and human rights, however, ultimately the EU holds precedent over national level government if a committee or individual does approach it. It is the wish of the EU organisation that each of its member countries adhere strictly to trade and practical agreements in such a way that promotes equality between citizens and fair standards of living and economics for individuals and businesses throughout the realm. If a state is found to be acting in a manner not i n keeping with these principles of human rights, animal rights and safe practices then it faces sanctions by EU legislature. EU Enlargement Before 2002, the EU had a stable 15 members and it wanted more. In terms of membership, there was no shortage of interested nations, particularly in the eastern half of the continent, but officials realised that if they were to suddenly expand their numbers it would become necessary to share their current supranational income with poorer countries. Cowles and Smith explain that at the turn of the new millennium, it was expected of EU officiates to work towards two basic goals; monetary

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The UK and European Package Holiday Markets Essay

The UK and European Package Holiday Markets - Essay Example The UK and European Package Holiday Markets According to a 2004 Survey conducted by MORI, although the Internet’s search Engines was used for gathering data about Travels and holidays, comparatively fewer people actually used Internet facilities for booking their holiday trips online. what needs to be emphasized is that e-commerce serves only to offer connectivity between the service-provider and the customer. The use of the Internet, by itself, does not guarantee package holiday bookings or ticket sales. Only by creating and sustaining a strong online branding can the travel agencies hope to compete sauccessfully in this market Effective marketing strategies along with knowledge base ,combined with the use of effective use of technology would be a winning cocktail.for success. Personalized websites hoisted by the various travel agents and tour operators would ensure steady business prospects and future growth of this industry. As a result of the fact that the travel and tourism industry has been the single largest beneficiary of products and services sold over the Internet, more and more companies plan to expand their Internet sales strategic goals and objectives by harnessing the use of internet for online booking of Hotel reservations, Conducted tours, Visa formalities and other matters connected with international tourism to cater to the online travel market and reap the advantages of online connectivity.† The Percentage of Travel Research done online before a purchase is now over 74%†.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Data Acquisition and 3D Modelling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Data Acquisition and 3D Modelling - Essay Example The triangulation method is used to infer the surface and their 3D nature in this method. It is known as stereoscopy because it uses two cameras. This is a computationally complex task but now a days it is carried out very successfully with the most modern and sophisticated equipments. This technique is good for apparent physical object reconstruction. The active form of stereoscopic methods use strong source of light to acquire 3D data of a physical object. Laser light source are used typically. It can only be employed for industrial usage with a provision of controlled environment. 3D or three dimensional modeling refers to the making of a real world object by making use of the actual geographical coordinates of the model. 3D modeling usually refers to the execution of 3D computer graphics by using 3D software. This specialized software functions by creating a set of points in 3Dimensional space. These points are connected together by various geometric shapes. These shapes may merely be a line, a dot, a triangle or a curved surface. There are four important methods upon which 3Dimensional models are created. Polygonal modeling. Three Dimensional models are often created as polygonal models that are textured. In Polygonal Modeling a 3D model is created by connected the points in a 3D space with a line segment. These dots or points are generally referred to as vertices when talked about with reference to space. An avid benefit of this modeling technique is that it can be structured and adapted very conveniently by a computer system. This is owing to the fact that Polygonal models are very flexible. A slight disadvantage that is associated with Polygonal modeling is that it cannot be sued to perfectly structure curves. Primitive modeling. By far, the simplest method of modeling a 3D object is 3D Modeling. This method makes use of pre-defined mathematical/geometric shapes such as cylinder, sphere, cube, cone etc. Using these basic geometrical

Friday, August 23, 2019

A critical assessment of the marketing challenges facing an Essay

A critical assessment of the marketing challenges facing an organisation of your choice and recommendations for the development of Competitive Advantage - Essay Example A close analysis of other companies that have survive during harsh market periods will help point out possible opportunities that Ryanair mas use to escape the looming threat. The research will end with workable recommendations that will provide strategies for Ryanair to survive within the market. In the 21st century business environment, companies have to stay on the alert in terms of aligning their business strategy with the ever-changing business environment. Particularly, the international airlines market has become sensitive with rapid changes in the economic structure, increase in competition and government regulation (Cento, 2009). Ryanair, one of the low-cost international airline operators in Europe, has faced a number of challenges while operating in the dynamic market. The purpose of this essay is to make an analysis of the competitive ability of the company, point out specific problems and develop strategic adaptations for the company. Marketing analysis is concerned with the ability of a company within a specific industry to position itself as a top service provider. Hubbard, Rice, & Beamish (2008, p.69) defined industry as, a group of organizations or business units producing close substitutes. â€Å"Market† is a word which use very closely to â€Å"Industry.† Perhaps the most frequent word use as a substitute to â€Å"industry.† However, â€Å"market† defined as a group of consumers with similar needs. (Hubbard, Rice, & Beamish, 2008, p. 97). Evidently, each organization has operates within a particular industry and has a specific target market. Within an industry, organizations compete as a way of appealing to their target customer to purchase their service and products. On the other hand, the customers choose organizations that best suit their needs and purchase from organizations that best satisfy their tastes and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ethics - End of Life Choice Essay Example for Free

Ethics End of Life Choice Essay Being a member of the hospital Ethics Committee, it is my responsibility to make policy recommendations on end-of-life issues. Due to my intellect and reputation as a clear thinker, my ideas on this matter carry a lot of weight with the other members of the committee. Within this paper I will make a strong and convincing case for my position and recommendations on this topic. This paper will address the following question: What, if anything, should be done to help people who are dying? First I must start off with the obvious question: Is the patient an adult of 18 years or older who is terminally ill and of clear and sound mind to authorize assisted death intervention? If the answer is yes, then we should follow the wishes of the patient. Ultimately, it is their body; their life and they should have the right to choose. That being said, I do believe that guidelines should be established and followed in order to assure that the welfare of the patient is the only priority. Such guidelines should be made that reflect the three states that currently have laws in place for assisted death, which are, Oregon, Washington, and Montana. The law should include but not limited to, a capable adult who has been diagnosed, by a physician, with a terminal illness that will kill the patient within six months may request in writing, from his or her physician, a prescription for a lethal dose of medication for the purpose of ending the patients life. Exercise of the option under this law is voluntary and the patient must initiate the request. Any physician, pharmacist or healthcare provider who has moral objections may refuse to participate. The request must be confirmed by two witnesses, at least one of whom is not related to the patient, is not entitled to any portion of the patients estate, is not the patients physician, and is not employed by a health care facility caring for the patient. After the request is made, another physician must examine the patients medical records and confirm the diagnosis. The patient must be determined to be free of a mental condition impairing judgment. If the request is authorized, the patient must wait at least thirty days and make a second oral request before the prescription may be written. The patient has a right to rescind the request at any time. Should either physician have concerns about the patients ability to make an informed decision, or feel the patients request may be motivated by depression or coercion, the patient must be referred for a psychological evaluation. The law protects doctors from liability for providing a lethal prescription for a terminally ill, competent adult in compliance with the statutes restrictions. Participation by physicians, pharmacists, and health care providers is voluntary. The law should also specify a patients decision to end his or her life shall not have an effect upon a life, health, or accident insurance or annuity policy. These physician assisted suicide guidelines are within the â€Å"Death with Dignity Act. † The Death with Dignity Act is the philosophical concept that a terminally ill patient should be allowed to die naturally and comfortably, rather than experience a comatose, vegetative life prolonged by mechanical support systems. Currently there are two ways of assisted suicide, one is when the patient is given a prescription medication of a fatal dose that will cause them the loose consciousness and die shortly after. The other, which is not legal in the United States, is known as â€Å"Active Euthanasia† which is a type of euthanasia in which a person who is undergoing intense suffering, and who has no practical hope of recovery is induced to death. It is also known as mercy killing. Generally, a physician performs active euthanasia and carries out the final-death causing act. Active euthanasia is performed entirely voluntarily, without any reservation, external persuasion, or duress, and after prolonged and thorough deliberation. A patient undertaking active euthanasia gives full consent to the medical procedure and chooses direct injection, to be administered by a competent medical professional, in order to end with certainty any intolerable and hopelessly incurable suffering. My second question: Is the patient an adult of 18 years or older who is suffering? In rare cases some patients who are very ill do not respond to pain medications or may be suffering in other ways that make comfort impossible. In these circumstances there is a last resort therapy that can be used: terminal sedation. With terminal sedation, a patient will be given medications that induce sleep or unconsciousness until such time as death occurs as a result of the underlying illness or disease. The intention with terminal sedation must be to relieve suffering only, not to cause death. These measures are often accompanied by the withholding of artificial life supports like intravenous feeding and artificial respiration. * * Also, the physician may use medications that cause a â€Å"double affect. † This has been defined in medical journals as: â€Å"the administration of opioids or sedative drugs with the expressed purpose of relieving pain and suffering in a dying patient. The unintended consequence may be that these medications might cause either respiratory depression or in extreme sedation, might cause to hasten a patient’s death.† What does this mean? In the simplest terms it means that the medication required to abate suffering cannot be given without the probable result of hastening death. While this may sound vague and quasi-discomforting, it is a legal, medically accepted practice, as long as the intention is only to relieve suffering and not cause death. The death is attributed to the disease or complications of the disease, combined in some circumstances with the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments such as intravenous liquids, nutrition, and artificial respiration. While the patient need not be unconscious during this process, unconsciousness is often the result. * * The last question I ask is: in cases when a minor, a person under the age of 18, is either terminally ill or suffering, who has the right to make the final decisions, the parents/legal guardians, the state, or the patient? I believe that all three need to have a united decision. If one or more of the three votes differ, then neither intervention stated above may be used. These policy recommendations I have stated within this paper regarding end-of-life issues have been explained thoroughly and in detail. I have successfully made a strong and convincing case for my position and recommendations on this topic. I hope that the members of this Ethics Committee agree with my findings and support my recommendations and that my reputation as a clear and trustworthy thinking member is evident.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing Essay Example for Free

The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing Essay In the introduction to â€Å"They Say/ I Say†: the Moves That Matter in Academic Writing, Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein provide templates designed to help with academic thinking and writing. Specifically, Graff and Birkenstein argue that the types of writing templates they offer realistically help set up a conversation and argument. As the authors themselves put it, â€Å"In our view, then, the best academic writing has one underlying feature: it is deeply engaged in some way with other peoples views. † Although some people believe to sound intelligent you must state your claim and provide facts on why your claim is true, Graff and Birkenstein insist that to â€Å"play it safe and avoid controversy in your writing† is lifeless. In sum, then, their view is that if you are going to write, write to stir controversy and cause discussion, along with giving the basics to master good academic writing. I agree, in my view, the types of templates that the authors recommend invite people to start conversation and learn different points of views as well as teaching others, and the templates themselves gives people the opportunity to hone the skills of academic writing. For instance, when using the template for writing they get us to include the opposition’s possible belief or rebuttal to our own points, which in return force us as the writer to look beyond just our thoughts and look through other’s eyes. Some might object, of course, on the grounds that our creativity when using templates would be greatly diminished. Yet I would argue that the templates simply give us a cornerstone to start with, and we can build our paper off of it as creative as we want. Overall, then, I believe the templates simply help us practice to become better writers much like practicing sports when you first begin playing, to become the best we can be.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Determination of the Focal Length of a Convex Lens

Determination of the Focal Length of a Convex Lens Shaikh Ilyas AIM: To determine the focal length of converging lens and it’s radius of curvature. HYPOTHESIS: The relationship between u and v and the focal length f for a convex lens is given by . Where f is the focal length, u is the distance between the object and the lens v is the distance between the image and the lens. Real and Virtual Images: Lenses produce images by refraction that are said to be either real or virtual. Real images are created by the convergence of rays and can be projected onto a screen; real images form on the side of the lens that is opposite to the object and by convention have a positive image distance value; Virtual images are formed by the apparent extrapolation of diverging rays and cannot be formed on a screen, whereas virtual images form on the same side of the lens as the object and have a negative image distance value.[1] [2] BACKGROUND: For a thin double convex lens,refractionacts to focus all parallel rays to a point referred to as the principal focal point. The distance from the lens to that point is the principal focal length f of the lens. Below is the derivation of the lens formula Following graphic illustrates a simple lens model: [3] where, h= height of the object h’= height of the object projected in an image G and C = focal points f= focal distance u= Distance between the object and the focal point O= Centre of the lens v= Distance between the centre of the lens and image plane Assumptions Lens is very thin Optical axis is perpendicular to image plane Proving is true. Proof In ΔAHO, In ΔEDO, ∠´ (1) In ΔBOC, In ΔEDC, ∠´ (2) Equating equations (1) and (2), Dividing both sides by v, Hence the formula is proved. VARIABLES: Independent: Distance between the candle and the lens Dependent: Distance (v) from the image to the lens Control: This experiment was conducted in an almost dark room. Same sheet of paper used as the screen. A stable candle flame The time taken for a sharp and focused image to settle The size of the candle. METHOD FOR CONTROLLING VARIABLES: Made sure that the room was sufficiently dark enough to carry out this experiment as smoothly as possible without any entrance of light from the outside. So I pulled down the blinds of the windows and also made sure that there was no draught present in the room that can make the candle flame unstable. Moreover, I waited for around 6-7 seconds for the image to be seen as sharp and focused. And throughout this experiment I used candles of the same make and size. APPARATUS REQUIRED: 2 meter rules A white screen Candle Convex lens PROCEDURE: I divided this experiment in to 2 parts, A and B. In part A, I experimented using a single lens at a time, while in part B, I used 2 lens in contact at a time. Part A: Firstly I set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 1 above by making the distances v and u the same. So the image observed on a plain white screen was focused and clear Recorded the value of the lengths u and v and thereby marking these original points using a chalk on the bench. Then I adjusted the length of u by moving it away from the lens by 5cm. Consequently, I adjusted the length of v until a sharp and focused image was seen. Recorded this distance of u and v Repeated step 3 4 for 7 different values of u by increasing the distance by 5 cm in each step. And recorded the values of u and v for every increment. Then I placed the candle and the screen back in their original marked positions. Finally, repeated the steps 1-8 by using different convex lenses A, B, C, D and E. Figure 1: Setup of the apparatus for Part A Part B: Firstly I set up the apparatus as shown in Figure 2 by making the distances v and u the same. So the image observed on a plain white screen was focused and clear Recorded the value of the lengths u and v and thereby marking these original points using a chalk on the bench. Then I adjusted the length of u by moving it away from the lens by 5cm. Consequently, I adjusted the length of v until a sharp and focused image was seen. Recorded this distance of u and v Repeated step 3 4 for 4 different values of u by increasing the distance by 5 cm in each step. And recorded the values of u and v for every increment. Repeated the above steps 1-5, thrice. Figure 2: Setup of the apparatus for Part B DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING: Part A: Table 1: Data collected for convex lens A Table 2: Data collected for convex lens B Table 3: Data collected for convex lens C Table 4: Data collected for convex lens D Table 5: Data collected for convex lens E Part B: Table 6: Data collected for Trial 1 Table 7: Data collected for Trial 2 Table 8: Data collected for Trial 3 Using the formula, R = 2f I can calculate the value for the radius of curvature. The value of f can be found using the equation. Part A: Table 9:Data processing for convex lens A Standard deviation: ÃŽ ´m = = = 0.30967 Therefore, the focal length is 10.01+ 0.31 cm The % error = = 3.1% Table 10:Data processing for convex lens B Standard deviation: ÃŽ ´m = = = 0.47044 Therefore, the focal length is 10.26+ 0.47 cm The % error = = 4.6% Table 11:Data processing for convex lens C Standard deviation: ÃŽ ´m = = = 0.30500 Therefore, the focal length is 9.89+ 0.31 cm The % error = = 3.1% Table 12:Data processing for convex lens D Standard deviation: ÃŽ ´m = = = 0.32524 Therefore, the focal length is 10.15+ 0.33 cm The % error = = 3.2% Table 13:Data processing for convex lens E Standard deviation: ÃŽ ´m = = = 0.20508 Therefore, the focal length is 9.76 + 0.20508 cm The % error = = 2.1% Part B: Table 14: Data processing for Trial 1 Standard deviation: ÃŽ ´m = = = 0.43905 Therefore, the focal length is 19.85 + 0.44cm The % error = = 2.2% Table 15: Data processing for Trial 2 Standard deviation: ÃŽ ´m = = = 0.16976 Therefore, the focal length is 19.76 + 0.17 cm The % error = = 0.9% Table 16: Data processing for Trial 3 Standard deviation: ÃŽ ´m = = = 0.14809 Therefore, the focal length is 19.90 + 0.15 cm The % error = = 2.2% CALCULATIONS AND DATA PRESENTATION: Table 17: Data presentation for Convex lens A (cm)-1 (cm)-1 (cm)-1 <

How Does the Language in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Reflect its Gothic

How Does the Language in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Reflect its Gothic Genre The gothic genre was popular around the nineteenth century. It is often associated with dark, evil things and death. This seemed appropriate at the time as there were no electric lights or televisions so it was generally darker than it is in the present day. It brings to mind stories like Frankenstein, Dracula and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It may have been popular at this time because it is typically based about ominous things in dark places making it seem more realistic because of the use of candles at the time. I am focussing on the beginning of ‘Frankenstein’ and observing how his dreams drove him to his own destruction, and how he is left to destroy the monster which he created. Robert Walton, an explorer travelling through the icy wasteland of the North Pole, sees the monster and is suddenly overwhelmed by his evil presence, he then finds Frankenstein, almost dead and consumed by the coldness of the bitter environment. Victor comes with his warning, and his story, as he explains just what a dream can lead to. The first part of the book is Robert Walton’s letters from St. Petersburgh and his ship to his sister in London. The letters are written in the first person and the present tense, making the story much more real and believable as it is being told directly and as though it were really happening as the reader is reading it. The letters also emphasise Walton’s distance from home and how isolated he was. In the first letter he is writing about just how eager he is to continue with his journey, and how the undiscovered land could be so beautiful. He writes of all the great things that will come of his journey. In the l... ...k by lightning and suddenly destroyed, â€Å"...on a sudden I beheld a stream of fire issue from an old and beautiful oak which stood about twenty yards from our house; and no soon as the dazzling light vanished, the oak had disappeared†. This is like an instantaneous representation of Frankenstein’s life, a beautiful beginning and then a sudden turning point leading to a horrible end. It also represents the gothic genre with the idea of a wonderful life being taking by an evil force, using the thunderstorm as a metaphor for the destructive force that takes such light and innocence from the world. Many elements of the gothic genre are apparent in the letters and first two chapters and even though the reader knows what happens to Frankenstein in the end, they are compelled to read about his life and what drove him to become what he is when Walton finds him.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Societal Views of Women in the Victorian Era in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s

Societal Views of Women in the Victorian Era in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House A Doll’s House, by Henrik Ibsen, creates a peephole into the lives of a family in the Victorian Era. The play portrays a female viewpoint in a male-dominated society. The values of the society are described using the actions of a woman, Nora, who rebels against the injustices inflicted upon her gender. Women’s equality with men was not recognized by society in the late 1800’s. Rather, a woman was considered a doll, a child, and a servant. Nora’s alienation reveals society’s assumptions and values about gender. A woman was considered by society to be a doll because she was expected to be subordinate to her husband’s whims. Referring to a ball that she would attend, Nora asks her husband, Torvald, if he would â€Å"take me in hand and decide what I shall go as and what sort of dress I should wear† (26). Nora relies completely on how her husband would dress her, just like a doll. Just as Nora is treated as a doll, she interacts with her children as such. She doesn’t raise them, she merely â€Å"play[s] and romp[s] with the children† (13). She tells Torvald, â€Å"our home has been nothing but a playroom. I have been your doll wife, just as at home I was Papa’s doll child; and here the children have been my dolls† (67). In this conversation, she shows her alienation as a woman in society by expressing discontent with her role in life. In addition to being treated like a doll, Nora is also regarded as a small child. Victorian society looks upon women’s intelligence as no better than a child’s. Torvald tells her, â€Å"You talk like a child. You don’t understand the conditions of the world in which you live† (69). Yet, he does nothing to rectify the situation. While ... ... a heedless child† (70). Because of Torvald’s inability to grasp the concept of equality, Nora leaves him. Society’s values are revealed by Nora’s declaration of equality and independence. Through Nora’s rebellious declaration and departure, she removes herself from society’s standards and makes a move towards equality. She renounces society’s views of a woman as a child, doll, and slave. Men in Victorian society told a woman how to act as a parent to a child, how to dress for a public event as an owner to a doll, and how to keep her thoughts to herself as a master to a slave. Henrik Ibsen portrayed qualities of the Victorian era through the alienated female gender, represented by Nora. Works Cited Henrik Ibsen, A Doll's House. Dover Thrift Edition, 1992 Northam, John. Ibsen. A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. 1965.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Rise of Civilization :: World History

The Rise of Civilization Essay: Explain the rise of Civilization and include 3 basic features. A civilization is the starting point of a society. Civilizations have existed for millions of years and are the basic unit of structure for a society. Civilizations were the base of great societies such as Egypt and Rome. If not for civilizations these societies would not have flourished or even existed. A civilization is compiled of eight features. 1. Cities 2. Well-Organized Central Government 3. Complex Religions 4. Job Specialization 5. Social Classes 6. Arts and Architecture 7. Public Works 8. Writings Cities are the central feature of a civilization. The first cities emerged shortly after farmers began cultivating fertile lands along river valleys and producing surplus foods. These surpluses allowed the population to expand. As population grew, some villages expanded into cities. These cities rose independently in the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The conditions of river valleys favored farming in these and other such river valleys. Floodwater spread silt across the valley renewing the soil and keeping it fertile. Animals that drank from the river were also a source of food. The river also supplied the people with a regular source of drinking water and the means of transportation. However rivers also posed challenges. Farmers had to control flooding and channel waters to the fields. Early farmers built dikes, dug canals and also made irrigation ditches. Such projects required leadership and a well-organized government. A government was required to lead the people and aid in organizing a city. City governments were far more powerful than the council of elders and local chiefs of farming villages. At first, Priest probably had the greatest. In time, warrior kings came to power as chief political leaders. They soon set themselves up as the chief hereditary ruler and passed their power from father to son. Governments soon became more complex as rulers issued laws, collected taxes, and organizes systems of defense. To enforce order, rulers relied on royal officials. Over time, government bureaucracies evolved. Almost always rulers claimed their power came from god or divine right. These rulers then gained religious power as well.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Teenager’s Lifestyle

Teenager’s lifestyle Nowadays, teenagers have changed in comparison with the teens in the past, taking into account eating habits, an active way of life, spending free time and clothes. They are a â€Å"technology† generation. For teens in todays’ world mobile phones, internet, music, movies, television and video games are very important. Most teenagers prefer watching TV and playing computer games to reading books. They don’t like reading because watching TV is easier and they don’t have to use their own imagination. Computer games teach but they are also harmful to health.Teenagers prefer to spend free time in front of a computer rather than to walk, play football or go to a swimming pool. Moreover, games transfer them into the world which doesn’t exist. It is very exciting for the youth. They meet with friends in such places as McDonalds. Teens eat there unhealthy food. They eat too much fast food. Every teenager needs a balanced diet, app ropriate personal hygiene and physical activities in the fresh air, for example, playing a ball, going running, swimming, driving on the bicycle, playing in tennis or walking.This should be for them more interesting than sitting for hours in front of a computer or TV because such a mode of life leads to the improvement of mood, health and physical shape.. Young people choose less healthy kinds of entertainment than sport, putting away bicycles in the corner. They eat too much fast, unhealthy food, which is very fatty and drink too many sugary drinks. This leads to obesity. However, nowadays young people, especially girls, allow themselves to grow fat, or torture themselves with diets, which leads to various diseases with physical basis like anorexia and bulimia.Young people must not give up food, especially breakfasts because skipping breakfast is a frequent cause of fainting which can cause frequent complications and even leads to death. It is crucial to limit the amount they eat, but only in a reasonable way, if at all possible after the consultation with the dietician. Young people have to remember, that a healthy lifestyle requires appropriate nourishment, but they also must not forget about personal hygiene.Personal hygiene plays a very important role in healthy lifestyle. It should be an indispensable element in the life of every young man. Its task is the maintenance and strengthening of health. Notable part of young people think that taking a shower once a week, wearing sweaty clothes and splashing over them with a deodorant is proper, but it is not. For example, before a young man goes to bed, he should develop a habit of not being able to fall asleep without having a bath first.Everyday toilet will prevent skin diseases as complexion of every person requires systematic nurturing: washing in soft water, abrasion, creaming and protecting before diseases. Therefore personal hygiene institutes an important part of healthy lifestyle and it cannot be skipp ed, just like physical activity. Physical activity has a large influence on young people lifestyle. Physical activity improves health condition in various ways. It helps the organism to utilize the calories better, which helps to maintain a desirable weight.Physical activity reduces the appetite and helps in the reduction of the fatty mass of the body. The beneficial influence of physical activity on health mood does not raise any doubts any more. The research reveals that regular training among the youth( and not only, but also by people at any age) is an important factor improving the health. However, too little popularity of psychical activities among the young people is a huge problem. It is a frequent and more and more general problem and causes various diseases such as: heart failure, lungs deficiency, spine problems etc.Here is a list of advantages of physical activity: †¢ reduces the risk of heart diseases †¢ protects before the osteoporosis, †¢ burning the ca lorie intensifies, †¢ favours the masses of the body to lowering and maintenance of the desirable weight, †¢ leads to the growth of the basic transformation of the matter, †¢ reduces the appetite †¢ helps in the reduction of the fatty mass of the body. Thanks to these useful tips, we can easily build the whole strategy of the healthy lifestyle in order to effectively fight with overweight and obesity.To get rid the excess of fat, we can cultivate different kinds of the sport, depending for age, sex or interests. However you should remember about warning of several principles so that our effort brings desirable results and does not harm our health. Another aspect worth mentioning is communication via the Internet, especially instant messaging, has become an essential feature of teens’ social lives. Teenagers say, that this can be very helpful to communicate, learn and can be fun.Through the Internet they can download music and other files and play on-line g ames, for example, with their real or virtual friends. What is more, cellulars are very popular among teenagers and can be used to do a lot of things: we can communicate with friends using them, have a nice time playing games, listen to music and also watch films. For a lot of young people mobile phones are indispensable and they simply cannot imagine life without them. Teenagers’ clothes in the twenty-first century have also changed a lot.The clothes they wear depend on current trends since it is important to follow fashion. School uniforms aren’t so popular today like in the past. Girls more often wear jeans than skirts, boys wear wide sweatshirts and trousers. The fact is that nowadays teens get dressed in clothes which are comfortable for them. All in all, it can be stated that the lifestyle of teenagers depends on many factors. It is connected with the constant development which is taking place and as a result is different from the lifestyle of young people in the past.Every young man should lead a healthy lifestyle independently of age or interests. This should be one of the things that you do every single day. According to many scholars that is the liability of every man, and everyone should try to take the advantage of this life the best he or she can. Young people should be aware of positive influence of healthy lifestyle on health and mood. This in effect would give them better results in studying and what is more important they would be pleased with good health much longer.

Friday, August 16, 2019

6 Tips to Customize Your Hr Dashboard

6 Tips to Customize Your HR Dashboard by Jeremy Shapiro Six Tips to Customize Your HR Dashboard What should your recruiting dashboard look like? To begin, it must be able to suit your organization’ s many unique requirements and priorities. Creating the ideal dashboard is not easy, but it helps when designing it to visualize a car’s dashboard. A car’s dashboard tells you when there is danger, or when you should accelerate. In essence, great dashboards are visual representations of data used to make important decisions.Below are 6 tips to help your metrics team customize the best recruiting dashboard for your organization. 1 Set specific goals. Each metric in a dashboard should have a target or target range by which to measure it. Creating a clear visual of where the organization is versus where the management’s target is will make evaluating progress much easier. You may want to set these targets by compiling management interviews and human resources prior ities.This information can then be used to set the measurement goal against the organization’ s desired performance. Ideally, the measurement goal will help you determine a hard dollar amount of savings or revenue increase (for example, decreasing turnover by 10 percent results in a 5 million dollar annual savings). It can also aid in tying back a stated executive priority (for example, we promote a culture of promoting from within). 2 Model your measures. Say you have already determined your executive’s priorities.You now need to model what the metric will look like. How do you identify the data you will need or the best practices appropriate for this measure? Model your metric using dummy data in a spreadsheet first. Then validate your decisions by shopping the metric around for feedback. 3 Build your metrics. This is the actual work of creating the metric using real data. If you have an ad hoc tool, this could be user-accessible; if not, you may need to enlist a tec hnical resource to build your reports.In the latter instance, modeling the metrics (see Tip 2) becomes critical to your success as your report developer will need to understand exactly what the report is supposed to do. 4 Build your dashboard. Think of your dashboard as a collection of well-focused reports on one page. After creating your reports, think about how to best represent them on a single page using graphs and other design techniques. 5 Care for your data. The information you need may be housed in several different places.Someone needs to care for this data; this includes ensuring users of the technology supporting you (HRIS, ATS, TMS, etc. ) complete the information you need. This also includes surveys. A little data maintenance now will save you hours of data repair later. 6 Validate your results. Without validation, your organization could easily misrepresent your data. Check your assumptions with peers, managers in different departments, and even with Finance. —à ¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Jeremy Shapiro is the Vice President of E-Recruiting Solutions at Bernard Hodes Group.Over the past 11 years, Jeremy has coached hundreds of companies through challenging recruiting technology implementations across industries and sizes. Jeremy is a frequent speaker and author on current/emerging recruiting technology topics, most recently contributing to the HR metrics book â€Å"Ultimate Performance† (Wiley, 2006). Jeremy holds an M. S. in Information Systems from NYU’s Stern School of Business and a B. A. in Economics from Rutgers University. He is an advisor to the industry metrics consortium HRMetrics. org.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Who Is to Be Blame for Macbeth’s Downfall

Macbeth is a famous tragic play written by William Shakespeare, a well-known English poet and an Elizabethan playwright, in the 1500’s. Macbeth tells about the downfall of a war hero who chose an evil path to achieve his ambition. Therefore, Macbeth is responsible for his own downfall. Although some may argue that he was influenced by the witches and his wife, Lady Macbeth, however it is his choice to act upon those suggestions, which he eventually did. So, Macbeth is totally responsible for his own downfall.Throughout the play, the witches have played a very significant role of influencing Macbeth to think and act evilly. Initially, Macbeth was a good man, a good soldier who is fiercely loyal to King Duncan and to his country, Scotland. In fact, he is a valiant warrior against who fought courageously against the Norwegian forces, where he was praised as â€Å"brave†, â€Å"noble† and a â€Å"peerless kinsman†. But the witches, through prophecy, plant a se ed in his mind that appeal to Macbeth’s superstitions and ambition to be king, â€Å"All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis†¦ Thane of Cawdor†¦ that shalt be king hereafter†.These prophecies then provoked evil thoughts inside Macbeth’s mind. After Macbeth was told by Ross that Duncan had praised him with the title â€Å"Thane of Cawdor†, visions of murdering Duncan began to appear in his mind, â€Å"my thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, shakes so my single state of man that function is smothered in surmise, and nothing is, but what is not†. Other horror thoughts includes, â€Å"this is a step on which I must fall down, or else o’erleap, for in my way it lies†.After Duncan announced that his son, â€Å"Prince of Cumberland†, will succeed him to throne, Macbeth realizes that he either have to get rid of Malcolm or give up in his ambition. The witches don’t tell Macbeth what to do; but it was M acbeth himself who thinks of murder. The three witches’ intention is only to disrupt the natural order and through Macbeth, this is accomplished. From the above, it is clear that the witches are only responsible for encouraging Macbeth’s ambition and confidence but is not responsible for the killings.It is Macbeth who has killed Duncan, Banquo and Macduff’s family; therefore, he is responsible for the killings and also for his own downfall. Besides the three witches, Lady Macbeth is another major influence on Macbeth. She is manipulative and encourages Macbeth to achieve his ambition. She is portrayed as a strong, fiercely determined woman who, unlike her husband, shows no doubt of hesitation about killing Duncan. She acts quickly seeking to take advantage of the opportunity to kill Duncan, â€Å"O never shall sun that morrow see†, when Duncan decides to stay overnight at their castle.She also called upon â€Å"the spirits that tend on mortal thoughts to unsex me here†, so that she could be evil enough to commit the murder. When Macbeth preferred to be king â€Å"without my stir†, she attacked his manhood, saying, â€Å"When you broke this enterprise to me then you were a man and should you do this then you would be so much more the man†. Even though Lady Macbeth appears to be the evil mastermind behind the murdering, but in the end, it is also partly because of Macbeth’s own ambition to be king that encourages Macbeth to go into Duncan’s chamber and murders him.Besides Duncan, Macbeth has also murdered other people such as the grooms, Macduff’s family and also his best friend, Banquo. Due to that, he was later referred as a â€Å"tyrant†, a â€Å"butcher†, and a terrifying ruler of Scotland. His downfall is a result of his misuse of power, and Lady Macbeth is no longer involved. Therefore, only Macbeth himself shall be blamed for his own downfall. Even though the witches and L ady Macbeth certainly play an integral part in influencing Macbeth, but the choice is ultimately his. He could have ignored the â€Å"hags'† prophecy, like Banquo does.He did not have to share his dark desires with his wife, either. Again, it is his ambition that provokes him to do those evil deeds, â€Å"I have no spur to prick the sides of my intent but only vaulting ambition which o’erleaps itself and falls on th’other†. Once he is bent on becoming king, Macbeth became evil and ruthless, as he is willing to kill anyone in his way, even including women, children, and his friends and countrymen. Were it not for this ambition in Macbeth's character, he would have been happy with his position of thane and never sought the throne.In the end, he has no one to blame but himself. Conclusively, it is pretty clear to the readers that Macbeth has brought his own downfall to himself. It is his lust for crown that has consumed him. Although some may argue that the witches and his wife, Lady Macbeth have influenced him at some stage, but in the end, it is Macbeth who made the decisions to kill ruthlessly, as he could have ignored those suggestions. Therefore, Macbeth should solely hold full responsible for his own downfall and not the witches or Lady Macbeth.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Le Petti Gourmet

Jim O’Connor, President and Owner of Le Petit Gourmet, received a shocking phone call while vacation in California, which informed him that his business is going to shut down indefinitely due to the outbreaks of hepatitis A in his catering facility. Le Petit Gourmet was a family catering business that had been operating in the Denver metro area for more than 30 years. Le Petit employed between 150 and 200 people, 75 of whom were full time. Along with Le Petit was perceived as the most expensive and upscale caterer in Denver, O’Connor also want his business to be known for good food on all levels, from cookies to lobsters. Le petit Gourmet’s business had been on the upswing in recent years. On November 22, Health Department notified O’Connor that his kitchen manager infected by hepatitis A, and by Nov 30, the doctor confirm the case. Due to the further outbreak on Dec 30, Le Petit Gourmet is being shut down completely, and the health departments have ordered food-service workers in metro Denver area to using gloves or utensils when handling food in prevention to hepatitis A. In addition, Le Petit Gourmet employees were forbidden to work as food-handlers anywhere else until January 31. When he returned from San Francisco, Jim O’Connor found that his business and family were under siege. The media, his insurance agents, lawyers, and health department inspectors, Le Petit employees and customers were waiting for his explanation on how he going to handle the hepatitis outbreaks. Initially, he hired a public relations firm to assist him, but decided that he needed to take a more active role to save his business. First of all, he personally called the victims of hepatitis and apologized for what had happened. He also meets with his employees to calm their fears. Afterward, he make sure that his company will have enough cash flow on hands to handle this crisis by delaying payment to his vendors and negotiated a larger mortgage, because he realized that he doesn’t have income for undetermined amount of time. To win back the public on their side, O’Connor and his staff decided to dumped $45,000 of food products into the trash. Many of these items were unopened and frozen products, not part of the infected food. O’Connor was able to maintain his employees during the outbreaks, he honestly tell them that pay cut was imminent in the future, but if your stand by me and help me, I will commit to pay you back when the business is getting better. He also states to the employees that the infected person have been left Le Petit Gourmet, we are very safe working here in Le Petit Gourmet. When he have all the information he need, he held a news conference at the Le Petit Gourmet facility and explained what had happened and what he and Le Petit Gourmet prepared to do about the crisis. During the outbreak periods, other catering companies was worried that this crisis would effects their companies, so they mailed out letter to inform their clientele that this only happened to Le Petit Gourmet and will never happened against them. Due the O’Connor and his staffs diligent works, Le Petit Gourmet finally reopened on January 11, and they have their first catering job on January 14. Main Issues The main issues for this case was how O’Connor able to handle this crisis with ease and win back the reputation for his business. When the crisis first happened, O’Connor is put in a very tough spot, not only that he has face the media, health department, employees, etc†¦ they all waiting for him to inform them what is really happened behind this mess that cost by Le Petit Gourmet. I think that O’Connor did excellent job step by step to get his business reopened and back to business as soon as possible. First of all, he realized that he not going to have enough cash flow on hands to solve the problem, because he will have no income for long period of time due to the out breaks. Smartly, he asked his vendors for a delay payment, and also negotiated a larger mortgage to make sure to have enough cash on hand to solve the crisis. Money could be use to compensate the victims or pay for attorney fees, and also need to pays his employees. Second of all, he was acting as a public relations spokesperson, who called all the victims and apologized for what had happened. He also met with his employees to calm their fears by telling them that the individual to whom the initial outbreak had been traced had already left the company, we are in a very safe working environment. He honestly told his employees that pay cut were imminent in the immediate future and their long-term status at Le Petit Gourmet was cloudy, but if they can stay on his side during this difficult time, he will make commitment to help them later on. In addition, he also dumped $45,000 dollars of food products into the trash, to inform everyone that everything that has to do with hepatitis A will be destroyed and nothing will be held. I am most impress with O’Connor was that he didn’t shy away from the media, after he gather all the information he needed and collected himself personally, he held a new conference at the Le Petit Gourmet facility and explained what had happened and what he and Le Petit Gourmet as a company were prepared to do about the crisis. Finally, due to the diligent works from O’Connor and his staffs, Le Petit Gourmet was finally reopened on January 11, and got they first catering job on January 14. I believe that O’Conner manage everything very well during the crisis, he win back the reputation of his company by holding a news conference and inform everybody what has happened, and win back his employees by honestly tell them what is going to happened in the future, he didn’t hide anything from anyone. He tells everyone what he thinks and what he going to about it.

Financial Health of Institutions Of Higher Education Essay

Financial Health of Institutions Of Higher Education - Essay Example However, with the current increased competition for students, this proved to be more difficult and getting enrolments which were high enough was hard for the college. Part D Offering training and certificate courses to lead to degree courses is important in at least two ways. To begin with, it helps increase the enrolment from many students who may not qualify to go directly to the degree course. If students can, and actually should, be considered as customers in the case for colleges, addressing this part for he market is a good way for the college to differentiate itself especially from the bigger universities which offer stiff competition for the students. Offering certificate and diplomas to help these students to bridge for their degree courses gives many people the opportunity to qualify for degree courses and at the same time give the college a new market segment to increase its overall market share. This definitely increases the enrolment and increasing enrolment will increas e the amount revenues through tuition fees. Part C There are many people who see this kind of path towards achieving higher education as a very important way to go on with their education. Many people fail to get the required grades to join college for various degree courses not necessarily because hey are not academically competent, but due to various issues. Giving them this avenue is an important way to help them to achieve their academic goals without allowing past barriers to prevent them from achieving these goals. As a result, offering these certificate courses to these students will definitely attract more students and more students also mean more money in the form of college tuition fees. The biggest advantage is that the cost of training certificate students is relatively low as compared to higher courses and this keeps costs down while at the same time increasing revenue. The other important thing with this strategy is that most of these students who have not qualified to degree courses and a looking for bridging courses are more willing to pay their fees without looking for subsidies and this reduces the financial burden for the college per student. It is also likely to get more enrolment from the local community because students do not travel to institutions which are too far from home to go and do these bridging courses. The only students who go to college which are far from their local area are those who are doing degree courses or post graduate courses. However, the main reason that this strategy was very successful is because it was not just a way to increase revenue, but it is also a solution that is solving other educational needs by giving individuals a second chance in acquiring higher education. Part D: not applicable Section 2 Both Georgetown College and Wesley College are not doing better than they were doing before. Their main revenues streams have declined over the years across the various streams of revenues. This indicates that the two colleges are not doing well and they have not been able to use the advice given as a way to make sure that they have healthy financing. The lack of success for the two colleges can be seen in the way they have both come from higher revenue flows in the year 2001 to lower revenues in the year 2010. Overall, they have done worse in placing themselves in a path that is of worse and riskier financial life. With regard to private gifts grants and contracts Georgetown College

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Explain the four fundamental forces of the universe Research Paper

Explain the four fundamental forces of the universe - Research Paper Example ‎ The basic force that makes up our Universe is the force of gravity, which has the widest reach, yet it is the weakest of all four in its actual magnitude. It was the first force to be discovered, but it is the least understood of all. Gravity in its nature is purely attractive, it travels through even a void of empty space to bring and create attraction between the two masses bringing them towards each other. This is the force that keeps the planets including Earth orbiting around the Sun, as well as the Moon that orbits around the Earth. The force carrying particle responsible for gravity is known as gravitation. The theory of general relativity defines gravitation as being the curve of space-time engulfing an object that has mass. This curvature then makes a situation in which the path with least energy is in direction of the other object with mass. From normal person’s perspective it may seem unlikely that gravity is defined as being a weak force as it can operate across great distances. This however holds true as on the subatomic level the force that gravity exerts is a much weaker than electromagnetic forces (Sukys 51). The electromagnetism is interaction between the particles carrying an electrical charge. The magnetic and electric effects like interaction of the bar magnets or repulsion of electrical charges are caused by the electromagnetic force. The charged particles that at rest have an interaction through the electrostatic forces, in motion use both the magnetic as well as electrical forces to interact. The magnetic and electrical forces were seen to be different for quite some time; eventually in 1864 they were finally unified by work of James Maxwell in what came to be known as Maxwell’s equations. Photon is the force carrying particle responsible for transmitting the electromagnetic force. Electromagnetism was consolidated with the quantum physics

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Conflict in Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Conflict in Rights - Essay Example The conflict in rights is actually the result when individuals or sectors in a democratic society begin to assert their respective rights that would result in the reduction or the violation of those of others. It must be pointed out that before rights could be identified and recognized there were the material bases for these, which were the diverse interests of different sectors in society. Aside from the diversity, there is also the reality of contradicting interests, such as that of the workers and the employers. The labor sector’s interest is to achieve to get their fair share of the income resulting from their work in production. On the other hand, the business sector’s interest is to continuously increase their profits. These interests are obviously contradictory for when the workers insist on higher wages, the business sectors profits are reduced. If the business owners wish to increase their profits, the wage values also fall. This basic conflict of interest shou ld well be considered as the very core of the conflict in rights. The labor sector would insist that it is their right to push for higher wages since they are the ones who created new value. The capitalists, on their part, would insist that it is their right to peg wages at a certain level which they think does not badly affect their profit targets. They would insist that they, after all, are the owners of the machines that the workers use. The conflict in rights between the workers and the capitalist is not only evident in the economic sense. This contradiction between the two parties could also be seen in the political and cultural senses. In politics, the workers establish their own political organization and parties for the purpose of having their own center of gravity. The capitalists, on the other hand, also establish their own parties or spread their influence on those that are already in existence. The result of these actions is that the respective sectors in society now hav e the means for asserting their respective rights not only as dictated by law but also as mandated by the fact that they are bigger in numbers. Since the capitalists, although fewer have been able to establish a foothold on government, they would naturally anchor their concepts of rights on what is provided by the laws which they themselves made. They would then insist that since there is already a law on wages and on how these should be increased, the workers are morally bound to oblige to such laws. Kant articulates that â€Å"nothing in the world—indeed nothing even beyond the world—can possibly be conceived which could be called good without qualification except a  good will† (55). However, Kant’s standard of good will is the law to which people, including workers, should obey. This Kantian perspective on the workers’ movement for the promotion of their rights could then be viewed as immoral and utterly wrong. The workers, on the other hand, would naturally embrace a utilitarian viewpoint. It is act-utilitarianism that they would tend to grasp, which is â€Å"the view that the rightness or wrongness of an action is to be judged by the consequences, good or bad, of the action itself† (Smart 9). Such mindset when first asserted at time when capitalists are considered as sent by the heavens in order to provide opportunities of livelihood to those who do not possess the means of production would indeed seem a case in ingratitude. The Kantians

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Critical Review of Contemporary NPD Issues Essay - 1

Critical Review of Contemporary NPD Issues - Essay Example The latter, on the other hand, focuses on NPD best practices and the standard by which they can be measured or judged. According to Goffin & Koners (2011), performing case studies were a better method of learning the issues regarding NPD, rather that performing reviews of already done projects. This is because of the accuracy and level of flexibility this method brings along. The authors noted that this method was able to capture more lessons that individuals have learnt from NPD while much of the learning of the Post Projects Review was not captured. This was attributed to the fact that it is hard to capture experiences once they have passed. The results and findings are highly accurate because they are based on what the responses were from the majority of the interviewees. The data analysis for the case studies was carried out in four stages, some with iteration. This may have been time consuming or expensive, but, on the other hand, it would result to high quality findings which can be compared and contrasted against each other. The first phase was to analyse the repertory grids. The lessons learnt from individuals working on NPD projects were documented and involved issues concerning: organizational complexity, time constraints, budget, learning, problem solving, project objectives, and resources. According to Jan (2006), these are important issues of consideration when an organisation wants to embark on NPD. I view these findings as reliable and accurate. They are based on facts collected first hand and analysed using reliable software. The second phase was to analyse the minutes of Post-Project Reviews. The 19 minutes of PPRs were coded with extreme care being taken. Detailed understanding was obtained from the repertory grid interviews, and hence the same coding scheme was used for the PPRs minutes. A total of 56 lessons were documented. Unfortunately, only relatively few

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Microeconomics issue-airline market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Microeconomics issue-airline market - Essay Example However, these airlines can justify their imposition of penalties in the terms of microeconomics. These fees, according to a source in the market says has been implemented to discourage people from making irrational booking at the online source of airline. If we link this statement to the lens of microeconomics, we can see that this fee has been imposed to even out or to pay for the social costs of ticket changing or cancelations. Theses social costs may include additional cost for the company to change tickets, cancel booking of each tickets etc. Furthermore, as a result of ticket cancellations, it may happen that many planes of the company would operate below their capacity and hence incur social costs like additional fuel, additional clerical costs to change or cancel the tickets, some people who will be in need to travel urgently will be denied a ticket because company may be assuming that it has sold all the tickets and at the last minute they will find out that some of the pass engers have either returned or changed their tickets. This is a social cost to the entire society and thus higher prices imposed through these penalties are going to reduce irrational buying and reduce the quantity of tickets bought and hence reduce the societal costs, which are discussed above. Another article also makes a good assumption that since these costs are incurred for the benefits of the society they should be used to counter the life-threatening diseases that are prevalent in the society. A United Nations program has raised around $1.2 billion from a small fee that was added to airline fares. The program was that passengers were asked to contribute voluntarily towards the programme by adding a small amount to their total ticket fare. This program was a success and raised huge amount of funds for the United Nations. However, if this program would have forcefully increased the ticket prices, than this would have been disastrous for the airline

Friday, August 9, 2019

Assisted Suicides Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assisted Suicides Paper - Essay Example The debates over the right of patients to shorten their lives with the help of physicians will continue and there is probably no right or wrong side. Assisted suicide is a crime because it involves the death of the person who would live otherwise. Not a single person should be eligible to take away the life of another person, even though this other person is not willing to live. Drugs and medical devices are development to be safe and effective - the intended usage of drugs is to help patients to overcome diseases. Nevertheless, patients who physical and emotional pain caused by the diseases that cannot be cured, do not want to suffer and should be granted the right to stop their sufferings. For example, if the patient is unconscious and there is no hope that the condition will ever improve, the relatives might want to make a decision to stop his/her life. From the religious point of view, any assistance in this direction is a murder. From medical point of view, assisted suicide is wrong as well - the objective of healthcare is to make people healthier, not to kill them. However, from ethical standpoint, it is almost impossible t o label assisted suicide as murder or as a good deed because the rights and obligations of each side need to be taken into account. Moreover, the competent people should have the right to choose death - for example, through allowing to hasten death by treatment refusal. Suffering is not merely the physical pain, there are also psychological burdens and assisted suicide is the only possible way to relieve sufferings. Even though it is the human nature to have the interest in preserving life, the terminally ill individuals lack this interest and acquire the desire to die - the prohibition of assisted suicide might limit the personal liberty. From the other side, it is unethical to take the life of other people and morally wrong because of religious beliefs. It is also worth to make the distinction between two important concepts - active killing (assisted suicide) and passive (letting die). Assisted suicide is, therefore, equated to active killing. The most important point of argument is that assisted suicide has the potential to be abused - some groups of people who lack access to care might be forced to chose assisted death as the cost-saving strategy. In 1990, Dr Kevorkian has invented the Mercitron - the machine with improvements over the noose, shotgun and barbiturates which allowed the patients to choose the time and place of death and ensured the painless demise. He did not test the machine on animals or human beings until he assisted the suicide of Janet Adkins in June 1990. Afterwards, he was prohibited to assist suicides for eight months. Dr. Kevorkian's machine and assistance has caused debates in the whole country regarding the right of the physician to help people die and usage of medical devices and drugs not to cure but to kill people. The act he has done has led to the overview of existing laws. Michigan has become the first place in the world to legalize the assisted suicide. After the criminal trial of Dr. Kevorkian the Commission on Death and Dying has reached the conclusion that the practice of assisted suicide should be legalized (Walsh, 1994). The number of restrictions has been set to safeguard against the abuse. Oregon has developed the "Death with Dignity" which came into effect in 1998. Since that

Education and Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Education and Religion - Essay Example As the world continues to reel from the effects brought about by technological change, the religious educational community is now experiencing the challenges associated with the transition to a more learner-personalized, ICT-enabled education. Some questions reflect the search for purpose behind the technology transition: Why do we need to integrate technology into the religiosity? How can technology support learners’ religious-based educational experiences? How can technology support a more productive future in learning about Judaism? In recent years, there has been notable strategic guidance and investment in ICT initiated and sustained by various First World governments. ICT as a term has been featured as a replacement of ‘IT’. ICT represents the computing and communication facilities and features that are used to assist teaching, learning and a wide array of activities in education (Ager 2003). Other definitions of ICT relate to ICT as a capability or â€Å"l iteracy†. Based on the discussion of religious-based education, Information Technology (IT) makes up the knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary to utilize information and communication technologies optimally, securely, and meaningfully across the contexts of learning, work, and daily life. Similarly, ICT is referred to as"literacy" by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and is defined as: "the interest, attitude, and ability of students to appropriately use digital technology and communication tools to access, manage, integrate and evaluate information, construct new knowledge, and communicate with others in order to participate effectively in society". Thus, the integration of ICT into RE only underlines the necessity for acquiring new skills for a new age. In 2004, the first non-statutory nationwide support for teaching REwas started. This has been launched mutually by the QCA, the DCSF, key UK religious groups and RE experts, this framework: "supports the entitlement to RE for all students, regardless of race and civilization; specified national expectations for teaching and learning in RE; and provides guidance for teachers (QCA 2004). What exactly are the activities and outcomes related to quality teaching of Religious Education What about quality learning in learning Judaism Such an inquiry draws even more questions - and not surprisingly, produces multiple perspectives as to what should be deemed as "acceptable" quality of teaching-learning. The impact of ICT on religious students at all the key stages has been highly commendable. It has given them access to a new world of information and knowledge, and guided information as to which is available through their teachers. Annually, research is undertaken to demonstrate enhancement in students' comprehension, skills, and knowledge in ICT use. Religious education contributes to students' social development by giving them an opportunity to reflect on the importance, for believers and others, of a sense of community and belonging. Students have an opportunity to consider how beliefs and values underpin societies and how and why believers and others try to make the world a better place for all. Pupils gain awareness of religious and cultural diversity within society and in other parts of the world (Best 1996). They have an opportunity to consider issues, such as justice, prejudice and extremism, that impact on societies. Establishing Criteria for Quality Teaching and Learning There has been a premium attached to ICT training of all practicing teachers in first world countries. It is encouraging to note that there has been a tremendous growth in the books, online materials, and handbooks for sharing and exchanging ideas, curriculum materials and case studies (Potter 2005). As an outcome, ICT has been gaining steady popularity among teachers/learners specifically for drafting and implementing lesson plans out of the classrooms. RE forums and chat rooms are one of the best ways to share ideas with fellow RE teachers and pick up tips, as are lists of favorite or popular

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Chirchill Response Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chirchill Response Paper - Essay Example The reader debates the categorical use of such superlatives. Johnson is sometimes too kind to his subject: Churchill’s being a â€Å"Conservative, Liberal, Coalition, Constitutionalist, Unionist, and National Conservative† (15), is definitely the sign of a political opportunist and the author’s terming this â€Å"Churchill’s courage in crossing the floor† (15), is a little mild! Churchill’s foresight is remarkable. His â€Å"prophetic words --- spoken more than a dozen years before the catastrophe† (Johnson, 14) of World War I, show him to be a man of awesome intellect. Another instance of Churchill’s remarkable judgment is the case of communist Russia, when he attempts to reverse Lenin’s Bolshevik coup in 1917, and nip communism in the bud. Again, his failed attempts to convince FDR to decisively combat communism in the final stages of World War II, show that he is the only senior statesman of that time to fully appreciate the dangers of communism. Johnson provokes the reader to wonder whether the Cold War, and the atrocities of the Gulag, could have been avoided if Churchill had his way. Churchill is one of the first to realize the threat posed by Hitler. Churchill’s early investment in Middle East oil, through BP, is another case which demonstrates his prescience. Churchill is so completely identified with Britain in the period of war that it is a revelation to know that he was also an excellent peace time administrator. His welfare measures as President of the Board of Trade, and his prison reforms as Home Secretary, add to his stature. He is obviously an administrator par excellence. Britain definitely would not have had the navy and air force she did, if not for Churchill. Johnson’s inclusion of many of Churchill’s witticisms adds to the appeal of the book and ensures that the heavy parts are enlivened and the reader is never bored. Some gems: â€Å"I trod on the Prince of Wales’s toe,† he recorded complacently, â€Å"and